Our week in photos – Rolling into January
Welcome to Our Week in Photos. Our way of sharing our week and what we get up to with our family abroad and grandparents who like to keep up with our life and antics. We are rolling into January, and have had a rather challenging week, but life as usual, does go on. We are […]
READ MORE→Dry brushing for boosting skin glow.
*This post does contain affiliate links, where I earn revenue if you click and make a purchase* I recently started making more effort to look after my skin, including bits of me that generally get neglected because they are mostly under clothes. Living in the UK means I am not exactly in shorts and t-shirts […]
READ MORE→Homemade popcorn recipe, easy, delicious & healthier
Sharing our easy, make at home popcorn recipe and how to make it. I have to confess something. I am a popcorn snob. I am very picky about it and what I will and will not eat. I loathe the microwave stuff (although I do know it can be handy) and I strongly object to […]
READ MORE→How to be more JOMO and be ok with missing out…
Sharing a guest post today about JOMO, being ok with missing out. Read on to find out more and how it works and some of the tips I will be putting into place myself… It’s the season of New Year resolutions and I have decided that mine is going to be taking a step back […]
READ MORE→What I miss and don’t miss now we are homeschooling…
We have now been homeschooling for almost seventeen months, and some days it feels like we have just started and the novelty hasn’t worn off, other days it feels like I can’t remember doing anything else. There are some things I miss and things I don’t miss now we are homeschooling so I thought I […]
READ MORE→Easy gluten-free cheese scone recipe
This is a fun and easy cheese scone recipe for kids, scones are usually easy to make and turn out well. This recipe is one I’ve adapted to make gluten & cows milk free. You could use vegan or normal cheese depending on what you prefer or need allergy wise. This makes about 10-12 scones. […]
READ MORE→Lemon cake – sunshine on a plate
I have to confess I am not a fan of traditional lemon drizzle cake. Unless it’s made really well, I find it sticky, and too lemony (yes, that is weird) and I don’t like the icing. This lemon cake is my version of a citrus cake, with the lemon zing you want but still a […]
READ MORE→Foam alive. Sensory fun that’s not messy.
*This is a review post, we were kindly sent a product to try* I am always on the lookout for sensory play ideas for work and home, and ones that are non-messy usually works best. Messy play doesn’t need to be stressful and require lots of clean up, there are toys, and resources out there […]
READ MORE→Meal Plan Monday – back to normal food
Meal Plan Monday. Looking at my week, and making sure the cries of “I’m hungry” don’t happen too often, but we all know that children are always hungry aren’t they? Feeding my food allergy and food choices family with a mix of cooking from scratch and sometimes throwing a ready-made meal their way. We shop […]
READ MORE→Our week in photos – Hello January
Welcome to Our Week in Photos. Our way of sharing our week and what we get up to with our family abroad and grandparents who like to keep up with our life and antics. It is finally January 2020 and Christmas seemed to come and go fast. I love Christmas but it is good to […]
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