You are only human

“You are only human” My therapist said that to me last week. “You have set yourself such a high standard that now it’s hard for you to admit that you have parts of you that make you vulnerable, and need to be looked after” “You push yourself so hard, you give yourself no grace, and […]


In 2019 I am choosing me…

2019 is in full swing, we are almost midway through January, and life has moved on from the Christmas madness. I went back to therapy last week, and it was ok. I am doing ok. We seem to be getting to the root of what may be the cause of some of my anxiety and […]


Back I go… Anxiety makes you tired

There comes a point when you are having a mental health crisis where you reach the bottom of the ride. I tend to describe my anxiety like a fairground ride.  You have your uphill climb, which is hard work, but you have no choice. Then you have the slow but gentle ride along a flat […]



Life has been pretty tough for us & me, over the past few months. Adulting, to coin a social media popular word, can be pretty challenging and sometimes life can throw things at you that you have to handle, even when you don’t want to.  I have shared a fair bit about my mental health, […]


Back I go. Week 2 of therapy.

Today is therapy day. Session 2. Last week’s session was rushed and because I was nervous about what would happen and be said, and because I had rather stupidly overloaded my morning both before and after the session, taking on too many tasks and other people’s problems my mind was all over the place. I […]