Things that have made me happy this week

Life can be tough, but as my therapist says, there is always something to try and see in a good light. So welcome to Things that have made me happy this week. Sharing the good things amongst the tough and sometimes hamster wheel slog that life feels like. This week has been incredibly tough. We […]


Let it snow, or make your own snow…

*This post with our recipe to make your own snow does contain affiliate links that generate me some revenue if you click and make a purchase. These are marked with * I am not the biggest fan of snow, mainly because we live in the UK and a few snowflakes seem to cause utter chaos […]


Our week in photos 19/01/20-25/01/20

Welcome to Our Week in Photos. Our way of sharing our week and what we get up to with our family abroad and grandparents who like to keep up with our life and antics. This week has been a mixed bag. I have been pretty unwell with a migraine that knocked me well and truly […]