What makes a Dad?

So anyone can be a father. It’s a quick biological act, that results in a baby. That bit, is usually easy. You don’t have to be blood related to someone to be a Dad, either. But makes a Dad? For me, a Dad is the person who loves, and encourages you, who doesn’t judge your life choices, […]


Will he let you? How will he cope?

I am going away in 3 weeks time. Leaving my crew for 2 nights and 2 days. It’s my birthday in three weeks time, and instead of gifts, I asked if I could have some time off. I tend to prefer minimum fuss for my birthday, and this year I asked if it would be […]


Normal service is resuming.

It’s been a rollercoaster of six weeks. Normal service is resuming. He’s going back to work tomorrow. Slowly, he’s easing himself back into normal routine. 6 weeks ago, they told me he “we think is having a heart attack”. Then, much to our relief, it wasn’t that. But it still was over a week in […]