Kitty care packages from SnootyCatz

*this is a review post. We were kindly sent some items to share about* Tbis blog is partly named after our cats, so of course they do feature every now and then. Layla is the name behind the blog and was here before we had the children, so she naturally likes to get a paw […]


Tired, and tired of explaining that.

I am tired. This week, I muttered to myself that I didn’t think I could get more tired. I foolishly say this to myself when we have had a tiny blip of what seems like normal and nice then we get slammed and I know that I probably will get more tired, than I already […]


The Unschooling Home Educator

In our continuing series on homeschooling, we have a lovely guest post from Jenny. She blogs over Facebook and is sharing her family’s homeschooling journey and what they do. You can also find her on Facebook and Monkey and Mouse I’m Jenny, a mum of two children aged 5 and 7 from Scotland.  Neither of my […]


A perfect weekend

It is not often that we are able to sit back and say “that was a perfect weekend”. Some of our weekends are more relaxed than others, but they can also be busy and sometimes we find them over filled and exhausting. At the end of 2018 we made a sort of vow that we […]