Kindness is key for new mums

Lack of sleep and ‘me’ time, new responsibilities, reduced self-confidence and the battle to lose baby weight are among the hardest things of being a new mum Over half of new mums expect others to show kindness with one in ten revealing it’s the most important personality trait Despite one third of new mums experiencing […]


The cats are NOT happy….

The cats are not happy. Why are the cats not happy? The children are happy. We’ve moved rooms around. The small boy has a new bigger space for all his Lego, cars and toys, and the tween has her own bunk bed desk and a new and more grown up room (it’s in the process […]


4 Ideas To Help You Get Back In Shape 

Having a family and working around the clock doesn’t leave much extra time for you. This is a big reason many people fall out of shape. However, it’s important you make yourself a priority if you want to be happy and healthy. Getting back in shape is a great goal to have, but know it’ll […]


The Health Benefits of Cycling…

We are big fans of cycling in this house, and the husband is a semi professional cyclist, passionate about his bike and his enthusiasm has passed onto our children who both love cycling too. We bought them bikes last year and they love to get out and about on them, and also have started to […]