Moissanite Replacing Diamonds in the Jewel Industry

*This is a collaborative post sharing about Moissanite and why it may be replacing diamonds for many as a stone of choice in jewellery, that we hope you find helpful* Looking for the ideal engagement ring has never been easier in today’s world. Lab technology has made jewel shopping fun and affordable. Long gone are […]


Happy to be getting back on my bike

*This is a collaborative post sharing why I am happy to be getting back on my bike again and some practical things I have to consider to do that safely* It’s taken a long time, several surgeries, a lot of rehabilitation, an exercise bike during lockdown, seeing my family go off for long cycles leaving […]


Celebrate Valentines Day at home

*If you are celebrating Valentines Day at home this year, because you can’t go out, or go away, then we have some perfect suggestions to help make it fun, romantic and interesting. We were kindly sent items to review for this post* Being at home doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy Valentine’s Day and it doesn’t […]


How to Start a Business

Sharing a guest post by Alexandra Pedro on how to start a business. Read how she took a step out and made a big change and how she went about that. You can find her blog here From a physiotherapist in Portugal to an entrepreneur, marketer and creative in Ireland, Alexandra founded Alexandra Pedro Marketing […]


Vintage teapots and teacups are my jam

*This is a collaborative post* When you are a collector of antique or vintage items, you often spend a lot of time looking for that next special thing to add to your collection. I collect vintage teapots and teacups. Something I started as a little hobby before I had children then slowed down a bit, […]