Fun craft kits for kids

If you are looking for some fun craft kits for kids, to help them keep busy and take the pressure of you to come up with creative ideas then we have some ideas for you in this collaborative post with Wowow Toys. You can thank me later when the kids are occupied and you get […]


David Hockney: Bigger & Closer (not smaller & further away)

This is a collaborative post with Lightroom London and David Hockney: Bigger & Closer (not smaller and further away) One of the world’s most acclaimed and popular living artists, David Hockney has created the launch show for Lightroom, London’s new home for spectacular artist-led shows which is equipped with the latest digital projection and audio technology. […]


Father’s Day Giveaway & Gift Guide 2023

Father’s Day 2023 is looming (is it just me or has 2023 gone really fast, and how are we almost halfway through the year?) and I have joined up with some other lovely bloggers to share a fabulous giveaway with some gifts the dad in your life might like as well as some ideas if […]


Mother’s Day 2023 Giveaway & Gift Guide

Mother’s Day is on the horizon and I am delighted to be collaborating with a host of other lovely bloggers to share a wonderful giveaway and gift guide for our readers far and wide. Mums are definitely special and we should be celebrated and what better way than with some lovely items to treat yourself […]


The Monogamy Game – are you ready to play?

With Valentine’s Day on the horizon, we are delighted to be reviewing a fun game that is definitely not for playing with the kids, called Monogamy. We hope our review convinces you that it’s worth getting your hands on a set. I am not really a game player, but the husband is, and for Valentine’s […]