Mental Health – Anxiety, PTSD & Me

I write about mental health, from my own perspective and more generally.

My journey is very personal but other people have chosen to take it very personally too and because there are people who would use what I write in a negative way, I feel the need for a layer of protection and for the time being I have chosen to make some of the mental health content of this blog private. Should you wish to read those posts please feel free to contact me here and we can chat.

One day there will be less stigma around the sharing of the mental health journey so many struggle with. We can but hope.

< class="sow-entry-title" style="margin: 0 0 5px;">Short term memory loss, the by product of sleep deprivation no one tells you about

My name is Karen, or at least I think it is.  You see, I suffer from short term memory issues. It’s a problem I have had for a couple of years. I suffer from short term memory loss beyond the usual joking about “baby brain” or “mummy brain”. You see, I am chronically sleep deprived…. Continue reading

< class="sow-entry-title" style="margin: 0 0 5px;">I am ok with my mental health diagnosis, I need you to be too.

It’s World Mental Health Day and there are going to be lots of people sharing about mental health, campaigning for better care, support, understanding, and about what it’s like to live with a mental health diagnosis and the struggles people face, and how people live life with mental health issues.  I am not going to… Continue reading

< class="sow-entry-title" style="margin: 0 0 5px;">How you can help someone dealing with anxiety

Anxiety is a difficult mental struggle that can not only feel shameful, but that can also be extremely handicapping. Thankfully, modern society is trying to ease the stigma of anxiety and mental health. It is now accepted for people to discuss their issues openly. More importantly, it has become obvious too that a lot of… Continue reading

< class="sow-entry-title" style="margin: 0 0 5px;">Daily Snippet – #mumlifeglamlife 28/01/18

Echolalia and repetitive noises are common in a child with certain sensory issues. They find them comforting/stimulating or calming depending on what they are responding to. They are, however incredibly annoying and frustrating for people around the child with sensory issues because they are incessant, repetitive, loud and not always appropriate. Parenting is hard at… Continue reading