Creative fun with SpiraLite

Does anyone remember spirographs and using those plastic shapes to draw endless patterns in multicolours. Ok, so I am old, I know but that was a huge and fun part of my childdhood and kept me and my friends busy for hours trying to make the neatest and prettiest patterns.  Remember making these? We thought […]


Back to school with Hedrin

*we were kindly sent some items to review, all opinions are our own* It’s that time of year. School aged children are going back to school, or are starting school. The summer holiday has ended and we gear up school runs and back to normal routine. As a mum of two children, I usually have […]


A Dog’s Purpose

   A family movie about a dog who goes through life trying to figure out his purpose. You will laugh and cry. I did. Dennis Quaid stars as the voice of the main character in the movie and we have a question and answer piece he did all about the movie and his role.  Q: […]


Science fun with Letterbox Lab

I am handing over the blog to Emily for this post, because really, she can share better than I can on this one as she was the one reviewing this fab box! Mum will comment at the end, and of course she had some help with YouTube and the photos!  My mum decided that we […]


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