Working parent problems

I am a working parent. I currently work for myself, writing this  blog and articles for various parenting organisations, as well as working in my day job running parent/carer groups local to me. I am lucky in many ways, because I am my own boss to a greater extent, so things like sick leave, holidays, […]


Liz Earle’s Superskin Serum

As much as I would like to live in denial, I am getting a little (ahem) older, and the big 40 is looming. I am trying to make more effort to look after my skin. I am starting to see a few signs of aging, here and there, a few fine lines that weren’t there […]


Dear Windows 10

Dear Windows 10. After much hype, cheesy adverts and promotion, you have arrived. I downloaded you, I tried to use you. You are awful. I’m off back to Chrome. I thought you were supposed to be an improvement on the shambles what was Windows 8 but maybe I’ve missed something. You are slow, complicated, clunky, […]


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