I loathe raisins. Surely raisin phobia is a real thing?
There, I said it. I hate raisins. They are nasty, sticky, shriveled up bits of fruit, that children and adults seem to love. I can’t stand them. I don’t like them in sweet or savory foods. I will avoid meals that contain them. The only thing I can tolerate them in is a well-made fruit […]
READ MORE→Working parent problems
I am a working parent. I currently work for myself, writing this blog and articles for various parenting organisations, as well as working in my day job running parent/carer groups local to me. I am lucky in many ways, because I am my own boss to a greater extent, so things like sick leave, holidays, […]
READ MORE→MyGardenSchool – making my thumbs a bit greener
We are very fortunate to have a large back garden, with lots of space and potential for growing things. However, I am not a gardener. My skills are limited to pots of herbs, and growing tomatoes and strawberries, and keeping my houseplants alive. I am very keen to use the space we have in our […]
READ MORE→Friday’s Rant from the Soap Box in MY Living Room – A petty rant about trying to get pregnant and other people’s advice…
It’s not an unknown fact that we are trying to add a 3rd small human member to our household. It’s also not unknown, at least to us, and people close to us that it doesn’t happen all that easily for us. My body doesn’t do what it is supposed to do. I can get pregnant, […]
READ MORE→Liz Earle’s Superskin Serum
As much as I would like to live in denial, I am getting a little (ahem) older, and the big 40 is looming. I am trying to make more effort to look after my skin. I am starting to see a few signs of aging, here and there, a few fine lines that weren’t there […]
READ MORE→Dear Windows 10
Dear Windows 10. After much hype, cheesy adverts and promotion, you have arrived. I downloaded you, I tried to use you. You are awful. I’m off back to Chrome. I thought you were supposed to be an improvement on the shambles what was Windows 8 but maybe I’ve missed something. You are slow, complicated, clunky, […]
READ MORE→I’m not ready because he’s not ready…
I love this quote and am finding it comforting at the moment, because it is where I am at both on a short term, and a long term, with my parenting. I recently hatched a plan to take the children, with just me (as LSH cannot take more leave) to go home, to Scotland, for […]
READ MORE→I don’t camp but I do glamping.
*This is a collaborative post sharing why I don’t camp and why glamping is THE way forward if like me, sleeping in a tent on the ground is the last thing you enjoy doing. If you know me in real life you will know that I am not fond of the whole sleeping on the […]
READ MORE→One Trillion Stories for Kids – Mind Mapping
I am always on the look out for useful tools to help with parenting. As a family that loves stories, both telling and listening to them, I thought that this book might be something we could try. It’s a very interesting concept. This is a guest post from the author, Nic Andela, explaining a little […]
READ MORE→The Mad House of Cats & Babies is going camping…
Well, ok, technically glamping, which is much nicer (I’m not a camping fan, everyone knows that!) (Photo source) You can check out how we are getting on, and the fun we are having (and hopefully the weather will behave) on our Instagram and Facebook pages. The cats are being looked after by our lovely house […]
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