Fastest Hour…. Meningitis

This is something a little different from my usual posts here on the blog, but it is a topic I feel passionate about, having worked as a nurse. I have actually seen a child die from meningitis, and also cared for children recovering from it. It can strike anyone, young or old, although there are […]


Getting ahead with Ooberkids

Being a parent, and working with your children, to help them with their school work and encourage their strengths and help them work on areas where they struggle, is something I have found challenging. School work has changed quite a lot since I was actually at school myself, and although the basics are still the […]


When a book has your name in it…

Reading is something we are very passionate about here in the Mad House of Cats & Babies and we love books. A personalised book is something extra special…. Little Man loves reading, and has in fact, just learned to really read, himself, working hard at school and with us to master this very important skill. […]


Sharing a bed with your pet….

We all know how tough it can be to get a decent night’s sleep. What with the stresses of work, money worries and running a household, it can be hard to find the time and the peace of mind to achieve adequate rest. And as many of us share our homes with a furry friend, […]


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