My Sunday Photo – did you spot it yet?
Not exactly welcome visitors in my veg garden. Have you spotted it yet?
READ MORE→Quick and Easy Egg fried rice
This egg fried rice is one of my go to meals when I want something easy and quick that I know everyone will eat. It’s cheap, nutritious and you can add any frozen veggies or fresh veggies you like. Rice is a staple in our house and handy for being allergy friendly. This feeds 4 […]
READ MORE→20 months of Covid19
In early January as the world watched the news coming out of China about what we now now was Covid19, I don’t think people really realised how badly it would impact everyone. People look at me funny when I tell them that on New Year’s Eve of 2019 I watched a news article flash up […]
READ MORE→Don’t harm the visiting spiders
It’s that time of year when the weather is getting cooler, leaves are falling, kids are back at school after the long summer break and spiders are trying to invade your home. Every year, where we live, in September and October as the summer leaves us and autumn arrives, so it seems, so the spiders. […]
READ MORE→GAMMA: All-Season Graphene Infused Heated Jacket.
If like me you enjoy the outdoors and being out and about on adventures in all seasons then you may be interested in this jacket from Gamma: All-Season Graphene Infused Heated Jacket. The ultimate heated jacket: Graphene-infused, lightweight, waterproof, with 10 smart pockets. Created by Wear Graphene and designed to be stylish, but also practical […]
READ MORE→Why we have chosen to home educate for year 7.
If you had told me three years ago I would be planning a year 7 curriculum at home and that we would be opting to home educate our son for the first part of secondary school, I would have laughed at you and told you you were crazy. Yet here we are and on my […]
READ MORE→Make it yours and personal with Printster
*This is a review post, we were kindly sent some items from Printster in exchange for this post* If like me, you like fun and personalized gifts or items for yourself, and you also like quirky and fun, then you need to check out what Printster can do for you. “We have been producing perfect […]
READ MORE→My Sunday photo – as close to France as we get for now.
This is as close to our beloved France as we get this year. We have been very spoiled in previous years with lovely stays in both the South of France and Normandy and have got into a routine for our summer breaks with visits to France. Sadly Covid has meant that we haven’t been on […]
READ MORE→Taking care of your hands when you wash them a lot.
Our hands work hard and taking of your hands is important, if you like me, have to wash your hands a lot. I work with small children and families and that means I wash my hands a fair bit. I also bake and cook and garden. More handwashing. We are all also living in the […]
READ MORE→Delicious creamy mushrooms on toast.
This creamy mushrooms on toast recipe is easy, delicious, and great as a filling breakfast, quick lunch, or supper snack. One of my children hates mushrooms but the other loves them and I am a massive mushroom fan and like to try all sorts of varieties and types. Mushrooms are very good for you and […]
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