It’s all hard, but it will be ok.

When you have children, be they newborn, toddler, threenager, school age, heading into the tween years or fully in the teen years, you have times where you feel like it’s HARD. Each stage brings new things, new developments, new growth, new learning both for you and your child, but it can also seem incredibly challenging. […]


Will he let you? How will he cope?

I am going away in 3 weeks time. Leaving my crew for 2 nights and 2 days. It’s my birthday in three weeks time, and instead of gifts, I asked if I could have some time off. I tend to prefer minimum fuss for my birthday, and this year I asked if it would be […]


I told a fellow parent off…

This week, I told a fellow mother off. I gave her my opinion on something she was doing, actually allowing her child to do. It is rare of me to do that. There is nothing worse, I think than when other mothers give each other a hard time, for what we are doing!  But, I […]


Dear family – I AM IN THE TOILET!!

Dear family. I love you. I am here for you. My life revolves around our family and it’s needs. I do my best for you, and I try to make life work for us all. Usually I’m available for your needs, or to talk, or to be mum/wife. But occasionally, just occasionally, I do something that […]


Mum’s Prison Box…

Now that’s a bit of a title for a blog post isn’t it? What am I talking about?  I recently have become very frustrated, with something to do with my children, and as a result, I have instituted a new thing. It’s called Mum’s Prison Box. Let me start off with a tale of when […]


Daily Snippets – #mumlifeglamlife 31/01/18

Seeing yourself mirrored in someone else is rather strange. I’m typing this as I watch my tweenager, who is lying on the sofa opposite me. She’s badly hurt her knee. We don’t know the exact verdict yet as to what exactly is wrong but safe to say it’s very sore, very swollen and we’ve had […]