Working parent problems

I am a working parent. I currently work for myself, writing this  blog and articles for various parenting organisations, as well as working in my day job running parent/carer groups local to me. I am lucky in many ways, because I am my own boss to a greater extent, so things like sick leave, holidays, […]


As a parent what really matters for my children?

As a parent what really matters for my children? My children amaze me. I don’t know why that continually surprises me, at almost nine years into this parenting thing, but I still have real moments of “wow, they are really mine, I must be doing something right, they’re doing ok, in fact, they’re doing really […]


A moment of parental anxiety

I am having a moment, I will probably have another moment or two, tonight, and tomorrow morning. It’s a parental anxiety moment, mainly a mix of anxiety and emotion. It’s a very silly little wobble, I know, but I can’t help it. My boy, my lovely boy, is going on his first school trip tomorrow, […]


I hate balloons, I would ban them if I could.

Welcome to my weekly Bad Parent blog post. A place to get those moments we all have, off our chest. Feel free to share in the comments section, if you feel the same or just have your own bad parent moment to share. No judgment, just honesty and hopefully some humour, because frankly I couldn’t […]