Chicken pox has lost it’s charm…

I used to be one of those people who thought “chicken pox is one of those childhood things, that kids need to get, and deal with”. I have nursed and nannied plenty of kids through it, some mild, some not so mild, and over the years my thoughts have gradually changed.  I think, personally, probably […]


I did not vote for this…

I did not vote for a government that treats the people who work in our public services so badly.  I did not vote for a government that is basically a bunch of privileged, mostly men, who have no clue of what the reality of life is for people in this country.  I did not vote […]


The grass is always greener…?

If you follow me on social media, or keep up with this blog, you will know we have been in Scotland for a week, on holiday. I am half Scottish. My mother was Scottish, and I still have family and friends here. We decided, pretty much last minute, that we needed a week away, during […]


When the hamster escapes…

What happens when the hamster escapes and flu ridden Mum is the only person able to track her down and get it back? So, you’re feeling really under the weather, riddled with proper flu. You can barely stagger to the bathroom and the household is trying to manage without you for a few days, whilst […]


When flu strikes…

 It’s been a wee bit quiet on the blog the past week or so. I’ve had almost a week off work, but sadly not for fun or pleasure.  We have had flu, and when flu strikes, it really isn’t fun at all. This looks pretty but it’s actually very, very nasty and it made us very […]