Cloth pads are not as bad as you think.

Cloth pads are not as bad as you think. People can be very squeamish about the idea, but hopefully this post might make them seem less scary. It has to be said, that we were using cloth products well before they were trendy and hipster. My tween, when she was a baby and toddler wore […]


Psoriasis, a diagnosis…

Did you know that Kim Kardashian and I actually have something in common and it’s NOT the size of our bottoms? She shared recently that she has psoriasis and talked about using tanning products and skincare that helps her to cover it up. It was quite refreshing to hear someone as glamorous as her talk […]


Getting prepared to deal with hay-fever with HayMax

*This is a review post. We were kindly sent some hay-fever products to try. As with all medical conditions, please seek appropriate advice from a qualified practitioner* Summer is coming and so is hay-fever and we are already heavily into spring. I love the warmer weather and sunshine, but unfortunately it brings with it one […]


A birthday, being grateful..

A month ago today, the kids and I left this man in hospital. We were reeling from shock after having him admitted with what was initially suspected to be a heart attack, then a diagnosis of a virus in his heart. The last four weeks have been hard. I think they have been some of […]


Life flashes before your eyes…

It”s funny, what you think about and don’t think about when you are faced with unexpected situations. Life flashes before your eyes and you realise all the things you have done, should have done and wish you hadn’t done. Afterwards when things are calmer, you try to get some perspective. I haven’t really had a […]


Myocarditis and 9/10

*This post contains health information. It is also written with the consent and knowledge of the husband, we both hope this will be helpful as well as cathartic for us to share. All information linked is from the British Heart Foundation. This is not a sponsored post* Just over two weeks ago the husband was […]