Top Tips for Early Childhood Development
As any parent can tell you, there is no right or wrong way to parent. As long as you love your kids and do all that you can for their health and wellbeing, the specific choices you make are all up to you. That being said, knowing what you can do to improve their education […]
READ MORE→Genetics suck…
Genetics, genes, inherited traits. Quirks and flaws passed on. Mine, they suck. I have benign hyper mobile joint syndrome. I’ve had it all my life but it’s only in the past 5 years with the knee issues and misdiagnosis of my symptoms being labelled as arthritis, then psoriatic arthritis, that I now know that being […]
READ MORE→If my body won’t do what I want it to, I am going to break it to do something new…
I have started running again. I haven’t run in 12 months, a year. I was told to stop running this time last year, when we came to the conclusion that my knee was utterly knackered and needed the big surgery and I was told that running was damaging what was left of my knee too […]
READ MORE→Helping those who need it…
It’s hard to avoid news about some of the awful things going on around the world, that are affecting the lives of many people. Wars, famine, weather conditions that force people from their homes, with nowhere to go, and you only have to glance on social media or the news to see that whilst we […]
READ MORE→Kindness is key for new mums
Lack of sleep and ‘me’ time, new responsibilities, reduced self-confidence and the battle to lose baby weight are among the hardest things of being a new mum Over half of new mums expect others to show kindness with one in ten revealing it’s the most important personality trait Despite one third of new mums experiencing […]
READ MORE→Beautiful skin oils with Awesome Natural Skincare…
I am not a beauty blogger, my eyebrows are not instgram worthy, and I don’t have the knowledge to share about beauty regimes (although I do have quite an impressive collection of lipsticks and lip balms, which my tweenager tries to borrow) but I am fussy about skin care and what I use on my […]
READ MORE→My Sunday Photo
The cherry blossom says spring is finally here. I really hope so. Taken with my iPhone at Kew Gardens.
READ MORE→Save big with these car maintenance Do’s & Don’ts
Our family car is about to take a visit to the local garage for it’s annual MOT and check up to make sure that it’s safe to drive and that it meets all the legal safety requirements to be declared good to go for another year. It’s always a slightly nail biting time, you don’t […]
READ MORE→The cats are NOT happy….
The cats are not happy. Why are the cats not happy? The children are happy. We’ve moved rooms around. The small boy has a new bigger space for all his Lego, cars and toys, and the tween has her own bunk bed desk and a new and more grown up room (it’s in the process […]
READ MORE→4 Ideas To Help You Get Back In Shape
Having a family and working around the clock doesn’t leave much extra time for you. This is a big reason many people fall out of shape. However, it’s important you make yourself a priority if you want to be happy and healthy. Getting back in shape is a great goal to have, but know it’ll […]
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