The blog post where I talk about sleep, AGAIN!

Unrelated but annoyed looking cat. Sums up how we feel about sleep… Oh look, she’s blogging about sleep, or lack of it, again, I hear you mutter. Yes, I am going to talk about sleep, and probably sound a bit whiney, but this is more of an update post, than anything else. We recently discovered that […]


So that Dove video?

 (Image source) I lost my cool slightly on Facebook, and I should know better. I posted a comment on my own, private Facebook page, about how I felt this video, which is doing the rounds on Facebook and Twitter, was pointless, and a marketing ploy for a huge company. I got told off, and lectured […]


I hate being the tooth fairy…

I read a blog post recently by the lovely Tara who blogs at Sticky Fingers, on the topic of  wobbly teeth,  and I chuckled and agreed with her, because frankly, I am not excited by the whole child loosing teeth thing, and it actually grosses me out, but  I kind of put it to the […]


Cold and flu killer soup….

 When I am sick, I want to eat simple, clean, tasty or spicy foods, and this recipe for Thom Yum Soup, which is a very simple soup with a real kick to it, ideal for clearing out stuffed up sinuses, and the chilli and garlic, I am convinced, help to kill some of the germs! […]


So, do we have an answer….?

Or at least we hope, we have worked out why Small Boy may not be sleeping so well. I am kicking myself, and feel very guilty, that I should have worked it out sooner, but now we know, and hopefully we can work our way to a solution. At Christmas time, Small Boy got flu, […]


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