Sleep deprivation. When your child doesn’t sleep
This is the first part of my story of sleep deprivation . I’ve broken it into parts, simply because as a whole it would be too long, and also I want to give an idea of what we’ve been through, before I explain in part two, about the effects it has had on us, and what sleep […]
READ MORE→If sleep is for the weak, then I am weak….
If sleep is for the weak, then I am week. I am also TIRED. Bone tired, exhausted, beyond my capacity to cope with life, because I am sleep deprived. My gorgeous little boy has been such a poor sleeper for so long (from aged 9 months until now, approx 29 months) that my body has […]
READ MORE→One of those days. This too shall pass…
Today has been one of those days and has been awful. My children have been squabbling since the moment they woke up, we’ve had a serious accident involving a blueberry smoothie, my grocery delivery arrived but with missing items (I assume Tesco think that we didn’t need them, I’m going to be ringing their customer […]
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