Gift ideas for tricky to buy for kids
If you have tricky to buy for kids, then Christmas and birthdays can be a bit of a minefield. Hopefully this sponsored post with Wicked Uncle is helpful and gives you some new ideas to ease the stress. Tricky to buy for kids can be challenging. It might be they are teenagers who aren’t really […]
READ MORE→“wellness practitioners” are the scourge of social media
This is a proper rant and I stand firmly by this statement that “wellness practitioners” are the scourge of social media and cause more harm than good. We all know them. The self styled “health practioners” of social media. They fall into two catagories on my feed. Either a mum blogger who’s signed up to […]
READ MORE→Simple but pretty style choices with Daisy Jewellery
*This is a collaborative post with Daisy Jewellery, sharing my personal style choices and what I wear everyday* I tend to be someone who prefers simple styles and looks and because I work with children and families I also have to be practical. But I like pretty things and I enjoy treating myself to the […]
READ MORE→Roasted pumpkin seeds. Easy, healthy and delicious.
This is an easy recipe for roasted pumpkin seeds. Seeds and nuts are a great healthy snack. This is also a great way to use up the seeds when you are using a pumpkin, particularly around Halloween if you are carving pumpkins. I like my pumkin seeds salty and that can be tricky because you […]
READ MORE→Meal Plan Monday – school holiday snack boxes
Welcome to Meal Plan Monday and this week we are sharing about school holiday snack boxes. I don’t know about you, but my kids seem to be permanently starving when they are home on school holidays and I think they think I run a 24/7 cafe. I am fairly sure boredom plays a part because […]
READ MORE→Do you do a regular digital detox?
It’s no secret that I love my phone and I am very reliant on it for every day life management as well as communication but every now and then, I do a digital detox. Find out why? I use my phone for the usual things: E-mail, calls, messaging, photos, diary planning. I also use it […]
READ MORE→Make science more fun with Trends UK & Mad Science
*This is a collaborative post with Trends UK sharing about how we make science more fun at home* We love science as a family. Dad is an engineer with a love of all things maths and scientific, I am an ex nurse who finds anything related to science fascinating and I enjoy teaching it as […]
READ MORE→Meal Plan Monday – gluten free isn’t as hard as you think
Welcome to Meal Plan Monday, here we are again and this week I am sharing about how eating gluten free isn’t as hard as you think. It may seem a bit of a rant but hopefully it isn’t and is helpful. When the husband and I first got together (my children like to remind me […]
READ MORE→Sorting your finances and freeing up your budget
*This is a collaborative post sharing some information about how sorting your finances could help you to manage your budget better* Debt is still a taboo subject for many people and something that many people struggle with or have had to learn to manage but we still don’t always talk about it. There can be […]
READ MORE→Meal Plan Monday – safe not boring
Meal Plan Monday is back and this week I am meal planning around my mantra that we can eat food that is safe not boring as we deal with the process of our teenager also having an issue with gluten. (If you follow us you know that the husband can’t eat gluten or cows milk […]
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