Gift ideas for tricky to buy for kids

If you have tricky to buy for kids, then Christmas and birthdays can be a bit of a minefield. Hopefully this sponsored post with Wicked Uncle is helpful and gives you some new ideas to ease the stress. Tricky to buy for kids can be challenging. It might be they are teenagers who aren’t really […]


Do you do a regular digital detox?

It’s no secret that I love my phone and I am very reliant on it for every day life management as well as communication but every now and then, I do a digital detox. Find out why? I use my phone for the usual things: E-mail, calls, messaging, photos, diary planning. I also use it […]


Meal Plan Monday – safe not boring

Meal Plan Monday is back and this week I am meal planning around my mantra that we can eat food that is safe not boring as we deal with the process of our teenager also having an issue with gluten. (If you follow us you know that the husband can’t eat gluten or cows milk […]


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