Get the perfect bike bag for your cycling style
Sharing a guest post by By Catherine Ellis, Hill & Ellis on how you can get the perfect bike bag for you, no matter what type of cyclist you are. Whether you’re out on a family bike ride, cycling to work or the shops, or simply enjoying some time out in the fresh air of […]
READ MORE→How to Save Money On Your Energy Bills All Year Round
*This is a collaborative post on how to save money on your energy bills all year round, that we hope will be helpful* Whether you’re trying to save the pennies, or you’re simply looking to get into better monetary habits, your home and monthly outgoings are a great place to start. Making small changes to […]
READ MORE→My vodka martini recipe with blueberry twist
*We were kindly sent a product for review, we hope you enjoy our vodka martini recipe with a blueberry twist too* I have a secret. We like a vodka martini in this house. The husband likes to pretend he’s James Bond. I don’t even try to pretend to be a Bond Girl these days but […]
READ MORE→I love wearing a bra. Don’t hate me.
I love wearing a bra. There, I said it. Don’t hate me. I feel like the odd one out, in society. I am not someone who walks in the house and rips off her bra in delight. I don’t want to “free the boobies”. I actually hate being braless. I was one of those […]
READ MORE→Father’s Day Gift ideas, something different for Dad
*Sharing some Father’s Day Gift ideas that we think are fun and different. We were kindly sent items to review for this post* Father’s Day is always a day marked on my calendar but that still manages to creep up on me, and I end up having to work out what to get for the […]
READ MORE→Need a Portable Air Conditioner for Your Home or Office? Then Read This
*This is a collaborative post that we hope is helpful* The place of an air-cooling system can be overlooked until when it gets extremely hot, especially during summer. How can you ensure that your home or office stays cool, providing you with unhindered comfort? Your first thought would be to install an air conditioner, preferably […]
READ MORE→In my garden – slugs and snails are a pest
If you are any kind of gardener you will agree with me that slugs and snails are a pest. They ravage your garden and eat your plants and they get everywhere. We think we have worked out a way to deal with them. This blog post does contain an affilaite link that will earn me […]
READ MORE→A Dad joke a day keeps us laughing away…
*We were kindly asked to review and share this fabulous Dad joke a day book, but all opinions, unlike the jokes, are our own* We love Dad Jokes. Well, the husband loves Dad jokes, and we go along with his sense of humour because it’s mostly hilarious. The children think he’s either very funny, or […]
READ MORE→Watching butterflies with Insect Lore
Butterflies are fascinating and one of the very many insects that we have studied and observed as part of homeschool learning and nature life that we enjoy. We see a variety in our garden and are fortunate to live in an area where there are a number of different types. We are aware that butterflies […]
READ MORE→Water beads for sensory and tactile play
We are huge fans of water beads for both home sensory play and work, at the groups I run with families of young children. They are a reasonably easy to set up and offer a messy/sensory play activity that’s great for children. Sensory play is very important for children and part of how they learn […]
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