Easter gift ideas that aren’t chocolate

*we were kindly sent some products to review for Easter gift ideas for this post. All opinions are our own* I love chocolate, but around Easter, I actually find it can be a bit overdone and overwhelming. Don’t all shout at me, you chocolate lovers, but you have to admit that you can have too […]


Skip the chocolate, have a gin instead…

*This is a review post. We were kindly sent some Mermaid gin to try* It’s taken me a while, but I have finally converted the husband from being the occasional weak generic pub gin & tonic drinker to someone who enjoys craft and quality gin. I have been drinking gin and tonic for a long […]


Foolproof and delicious chocolate brownies

This recipe is my go-to, for foolproof and delicious chocolate brownies. This is the recipe I pull out when I want to take a treat to someone or make cakes for work. Everyone loves chocolate brownies, I am fairly sure of that. These store for about 72 hours in an airtight tin, and are great […]


Mascne – tips and tricks to avoid it.

Maskne, mascne, or, as dermatologists call them, acne mechanica are different kinds of skin breakouts caused or triggered by the facemasks we all have to wear at the moment. We all have to wear face masks due to Covid19 so it makes sense that we learn to live with them as best we can. There […]


5 Must-Have Items for Cat Loving Households

*We hope this collaborative post on 5 Must-Have Items for Cat Loving Households is helpful to cat owners and future cat owners* Calling all cat lovers out there! We know you’re a special bunch that just can’t get enough of your feline family members, so why not put that love of cats on display with […]


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