Celebrate Valentines Day at home
*If you are celebrating Valentines Day at home this year, because you can’t go out, or go away, then we have some perfect suggestions to help make it fun, romantic and interesting. We were kindly sent items to review for this post* Being at home doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy Valentine’s Day and it doesn’t […]
READ MORE→How to make bike storage a design statement
Sharing a guest post on bike storage and looking good on your bike by Catherine Bedford, Dashel Helmets. Cycle safety is a topic I am passionate about and being safe on your bike doesn’t have to be boring and neither does owning a bike. Cycling is growing rapidly in popularity as people try to take […]
READ MORE→Pretty underwear isn’t just for special occasions.
*I was kindly sent some pretty underwear to review. All opinions are my own* I love pretty underwear. A wise relative of mine once told me that “it doesn’t matter what you wear outside, you need to feel good from the bottom layer out”. She also used to tell me to make sure I was […]
READ MORE→When your kids are more tech-smart than you
It happens. As a parent, living in a time when kids have access to technology for both personal, and educational use, you realize your kids are more tech-smart than you. It’s happened to me. It probably happened a while ago, I was just in denial. The reality is that my kids are more tech-smart than […]
READ MORE→Meal Plan Monday – pancakes all February
Welcome to Meal Plan Monday and it’s all about pancakes from here on in for a month I have decided. Carrying on in Lockdown 3 with a weekly grocery shop and no popping to the shops unless it’s an emergency. We have finally left January, which felt like it was 4897 days long, or to […]
READ MORE→It’s the end of the month… January 2021
I don’t know about you but January 2021 has been an interesting and very long month. As I said on my Facebook post this morning, it seems to have gone on for 4978 days, or something. It’s had some fairly interesting ups and downs. We landed back in Lockdown, number 3 to be precise, and […]
READ MORE→Love Oggs – little sweet treat bites
We were kindly sent some Oggs treats to review. All opinions are our own* We are a bit of a fan of Love Oggs and they make vegan cakes and snacks that are great for us because of dairy/cows milk allergies. Their millionaire bits and chocolate brownie bites are a delicious addition to your afternoon […]
READ MORE→Winter cycling and helpful cycle safety tips
I am passionate about cycle safety. My children and husband are enthusiastic cyclists and we are very strict about keeping safe when out on bikes. 10 years ago, my husband had a bad bike accident and his life was saved by his bike helmet. This guest post by Catherine Ellis, Hill & Ellis has some […]
READ MORE→The challenge of keeping your pet at a healthy weight
*This post is written in collaboration with Royal Canin sharing about the challenge of keeping your pet at a healthy weight as part of being a responsible pet owner. All words are our own and images are used with permission* If you read our blog you know we have two cats. They are part of […]
READ MORE→Baked chocolate pancakes with chocolate sauce
*Ciao Gusto kindly asked us to review their dairy-free Valsoia range and the result was this rather delicious baked chocolate pancakes* This is an easy and delicious recipe that is dairy free, and can be made using gluten free flour and if you are vegan you can use aquafaba which is a vegan egg subsitute […]
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