Gluten-free strawberry crumble recipe
This recipe for Gluten-free strawberry crumble is easy and you can actually use any fruit you like, but we opted for strawberries as they were freshly picked and in season. I have to confess I have never made a crumble before until recently, but this recipe is dedicated to the mum of a good friend […]
READ MORE→Meee in a Minute – the family edition
*I was kindly asked to review Meee in a Minute, the Meee in a Family Minute book* I am always on the lookout for things that challenge my perspective or help me look at how I can parent or help us live family life better and I think the Mee in a Minute books might […]
READ MORE→That time TomTom almost got us killed in Paris
*This is a tongue in cheek post, and the issues we had were due to a very old TomTom device, in a tunnel with virtually no GPS signal, and our first time driving in Paris. We learned from our experience and have not had any major issues since* You may have read my post about […]
READ MORE→Easy homemade Homemade borscht recipe
Borscht, just the word sounds good to me, and the classic soup made of beetroot is world-famous. There are many ways to make it and it traditionally an Eastern European soup, and there are lots of different recipes out there. I happen to have children who whilst they are not keen on beetroot in it’s […]
READ MORE→Menopause – the dreaded M word!
Elaine from Early Retirement Rocks has kindly shared her experience and some thoughts on menopause. Something all women have to face, and I must admit from my point of view, something I have been in denial about. Hormones and don’t see eye to eye. Menopause – the dreaded M word! Or at least it is […]
READ MORE→Five Strategies For Coping With Brain Fog
Brain fog is something I have struggled with due to anxiety and sleep deprivation and this helpful post from Erica Hughes over at Nine to Three Thirty is full of ideas for how to help with that. Brain fog for me is when I can’t remember things to the point when it gets in the […]
READ MORE→Cleaning the oven without evil chemicals
One of my least favourite domestic tasks is cleaning the oven. I hate it. I don’t know why, because it’s not the most disgusting of tasks (I clean a cat litter tray regularly, cleaning an oven can’t be compared to that) but it has to be done, so once a month, I have an oven […]
READ MORE→Ride Like a Girl – heartwarming and victorious
*This is a review post. I was kindly sent a copy of Ride Like A Girl to review* I am not a fan of animal movies, for some reason they rarely appeal to me, mainly because I find them far too emotional but I thoroughly enjoyed Ride Like A Girl, a movie about a little […]
READ MORE→Meal Plan Monday – eating well, and losing some weight
Meal Plan Monday. Looking at my week, and making sure the cries of “I’m hungry” don’t happen too often, but we all know that children are always hungry aren’t they? Feeding my food allergy and food choices family with a mix of cooking from scratch and sometimes throwing a ready-made meal their way. We shop […]
READ MORE→My Sunday Photo – Signing off, just for the week
Usually, at this time of the year, I am signing off to go on holiday. I try to have a digital detox and leave my phone at home and take a break. This year, thanks to Covid19, we are not going on holiday. We are having a staycation and taking some time to do things […]
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