Take a mystery tour where you live

I am a big fan of a mystery tour and have done a few in London, as an adult, but taking my children where we live locally to have an adventure and learn something about where we live and where I work is a new thing. Treasure Trails offer brilliant self guided tours of local […]


The sun and I are not good friends.

The sun and I are not good friends. I love sunshine, I love warmer weather, I love being able to let my kids out to play and top up their vitamin D levels, particularly because we live in a country where it feels like winter is long, damp, dark and miserable. But the sun doesn’t […]


More eco-friendly cleaning with OzKleen

*This is a review post. We were kindly sent some eco-friendly cleaning products to try from OzKleen* Eco-friendly cleaning is a bit of a passion of mine and I am slowing working on making our home and garden greener and reducing the impact we have on the environment. I am not someone who has the […]


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