Take a mystery tour where you live
I am a big fan of a mystery tour and have done a few in London, as an adult, but taking my children where we live locally to have an adventure and learn something about where we live and where I work is a new thing. Treasure Trails offer brilliant self guided tours of local […]
READ MORE→Italian coffee saves the day – easy Affogato recipe
*this is a sponsored post about Italian Coffee. All opinions are my own* It’s no secret that I am a bit of a coffee lover, and a bit of a coffee snob. I will refuse to drink most instant granulated coffees unless there really is no other option, or I am desperate, and LSH lovingly […]
READ MORE→Parenting Confessions – I hate doing kids’ crafts!
As the title says. I hate kids’ crafts and kids craft related activities. This is one of my parenting confession posts, where I spill the beans on a parenting foible or failure, I have experienced or feel that I want to share! That sounds a little extreme, and probably is slightly exaggerated, but I really […]
READ MORE→Greener sun protection for skin that burns in the sun
I have skin that burns in the sun. The sun and I have a love hate relationship and whilst I love the warmer sunny weather of summer and going away on holiday to places with sunshine, I need to look after my skin but I also want greener sun protection so I don’t end up […]
READ MORE→The sun and I are not good friends.
The sun and I are not good friends. I love sunshine, I love warmer weather, I love being able to let my kids out to play and top up their vitamin D levels, particularly because we live in a country where it feels like winter is long, damp, dark and miserable. But the sun doesn’t […]
READ MORE→PetSafe water fountains – access to fresh drinking water
*PetSafe kindly sent us a water fountain to review and to share about access to safe drinking water for pets* As a pet owner, I am very aware that safe access to fresh drinking water for pets is very important. Whether it is daily access for their general health and wellbeing, because we all know […]
READ MORE→Make your own sensory squeezy stress balls
Sensory squeezy stress balls are great. You can buy them online or in shops. They are great for kids that have sensory issues or struggle to focus or as a stress toy and there are many designs and kinds out there. Some are expensive and some are cheaper to buy. We have tried and tested […]
READ MORE→Tips and tricks to be confident with breastfeeding in public
While breastfeeding is the most natural way to feed your baby, many mothers feel nervous about feeding in public. In fact, a recent study by Lansinoh, who has been supporting breastfeeding mums for over 35 years, found that three-quarters of mums feel more cautious about breastfeeding in public, as a direct result of COVID-19 and […]
READ MORE→More eco-friendly cleaning with OzKleen
*This is a review post. We were kindly sent some eco-friendly cleaning products to try from OzKleen* Eco-friendly cleaning is a bit of a passion of mine and I am slowing working on making our home and garden greener and reducing the impact we have on the environment. I am not someone who has the […]
READ MORE→Eco friendly but still effective plasters from Patch
*This is a review post we were kindly sent some Patch plasters to try* No family first aid kit is complete without some plasters of different shapes and sizes to cover a variety of needs and we always have a box to hand. As a mum I carry a spare plaster in my handbag because […]
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