Ten things I have learned about my family in lockdown

Lockdown has been interesting, for many people. It’s been tough, it’s been heartbreaking, it’s been physically and mentally challenging and it doesn’t have a real end in sight. I thought a little tongue in cheek but truthful humor might be in order, and ten things I have learned about my family Lockdown, seems an appropriate […]


Getting kids in the kitchen with Shane the Chef

*This is a review and giveaway post* As a parent, teaching my kids to cook is a priority. Getting kids in the kitchen is something I make a point of doing and have always done, from when they were small. Watching me, helping me, learning, and doing things like cooking, baking, food preparation, and also […]


Twinkl – In It Together. A free e-book to help children

Sheffield based company, Twinkl Educational Publishing has released an electronic book (ebook) that focuses on the experiences that children may have faced during the lockdown and the emotions they may experience when returning to school in the coming months. The free ebook, In It Together, introduces four characters who demonstrate how their life has changed […]


Our week in photos – Birthdays and DIY

Welcome to Our Week in Photos. Our way of sharing our week and what we get up to with our family abroad and grandparents who like to keep up with our life and antics. We have had a good week. It’s been interesting, with another birthday in lockdown, this time for the husband, but we […]