What no wellies…?

I haven’t done a Friday Rant from the Soap Box in MY own living room for ages, but I have brought it back, because sometimes it’s good to get things off my chest, and it’s cleansing and therapeutic. It makes me feel better, and it’s Friday, it’s my blog, and I will rant if I […]


Driving safely?

When you get in your car, you probably get in, clip your seat-belt on, put the key in the ignition, and drive off, because that’s kind of the normal routine, right? I don’t actually drive, but The Husband does, and he often will point out to me that there is more to getting in a […]


Benefits of growing up with dogs…

For many of us, our pets are our first best friends. However, when you bring a newborn into the home, you may hear people tell you to get rid of your pets. You’ll be told that the dog could sit on the baby’s face or bring in fleas and the cat could get jealous and […]


10 Useful life apps to help keep you organised

*this is a collaborative post* ‘Life-apps’ are a good name for any app or software that just helps make life a little easier. Everyone has their own favourites and suggestions, but here’s a list of some well known – and also lesser-known – life apps for you to try out. Included are those which are […]


Mum standards…

The alternative title of this post could be – When you and your tweenager disagree on what the word “tidy” means and what a tidy bedroom should look like…  The tweenager and I are having a difference of opinion, the first of many, I have no doubt, and it’s one that I don’t think we […]


Containing those kitty capers…

(Image Link)   Any cat owner will tell you that it’s not always doe-eyes and content purrs. Cats are extremely emotional and intelligent animals. And, unfortunately, with this comes the ability to feel bored. When a cat is bored, they’ll do just about anything to satisfy their need for entertainment. This usually includes tearing, ripping, […]


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