Surviving chickenpox?

So, if you read this blog, or follow us on social media, you will know that we are quarantined with chickenpox at the moment. In fact, the patient, is sitting, looking very spotty, next to me, as I type this, but is over the worst. I had a feeling that chickenpox might be a bit […]


Chicken pox has lost it’s charm…

I used to be one of those people who thought “chicken pox is one of those childhood things, that kids need to get, and deal with”. I have nursed and nannied plenty of kids through it, some mild, some not so mild, and over the years my thoughts have gradually changed.  I think, personally, probably […]


I did not vote for this…

I did not vote for a government that treats the people who work in our public services so badly.  I did not vote for a government that is basically a bunch of privileged, mostly men, who have no clue of what the reality of life is for people in this country.  I did not vote […]


Learn Baby CPR with a nursery rhyme…

Ok, that does sound very weird, I know, but read on to find out more.  Babies not breathing is parents’ biggest fear – but only one in four know what to do St John Ambulance has launched Nursery Rhymes Inc. a campaign that teaches parents and the wider public how to help a baby who’s […]


The other woman in my husband’s life…

The other woman in my husband’s life. Yup, there is one. He introduced her a couple of years ago. He listens to her advice, prefers her views over mine, and relies on her heavily where apparently my skills fall short. He insists he still loves me, that I’ve not been replaced, but that having her […]


The grass is always greener…?

If you follow me on social media, or keep up with this blog, you will know we have been in Scotland for a week, on holiday. I am half Scottish. My mother was Scottish, and I still have family and friends here. We decided, pretty much last minute, that we needed a week away, during […]


Making maths cool with Skoo Crew

Whilst we are sort of strict on how much device time our kids have, we do let them use our iPad and other devices to play and also for learning. Both children now do some of their maths homework on the iPad. I am always on the look out for apps that are great for […]


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