Is your cat drinking too much water?
Have you noticed that your cat drinking too much water, or more water than normal? Sometimes cat’s drink more water and it may be because they are just thirsty due to the weather being hot; however, the cause of their thirst could also be an underlying medical condition. Each cat is a unique individual; therefore, […]
READ MORE→My Sunday Photo – the promise of bramble fruit picking
My Sunday Photo – the promise of bramble fruit picking We went for our weekly drag the children out of bed early and routemarch walk last Friday and explored the woods near us, that for some reason we haven’t properly done before. We found two ponds full of late tadpoles (possibly even toad tadpoles?) which […]
READ MORE→Our week in photos – screen time problems with the pets
Welcome to Our Week in Photos. Our way of sharing our week and what we get up to with our family abroad and grandparents who like to keep up with our life and antics. This week seems to have passed in a blur and I didn’t take that many photos that are shareable for a […]
READ MORE→Top tips for greener family living with Kind2
This is a really helpful guest post with some tips on greener family living, by Sue Campbell, founder of award-winning plastic-free shampoo and conditioner KIND2 Making your home greener is something you probably want to do, but with busy family life and working within a budget, it’s not always easy to make changes. Don’t beat […]
READ MORE→Life in Lockdown – where are we at?
Life in Lockdown. I never thought I would have to write those words. But over three weeks ago, like much of the world, we were told we had to STAY HOME. It isn’t optional and we are doing our very best to protect our health care system and stop the spread of a virus that […]
READ MORE→Wine is the perfect gift – from Sparkling Direct
*This is a review post, we were kindly sent some wine to review and share about* We think wine is the perfect gift to give someone for a special occasion, or a birthday. Or to mark a celebration or event, or simply because you want to give someone who loves good wine, something special. Sparkling […]
READ MORE→Father’s Day Gift ideas, practical and fun
*This is a review post. We were kindly sent some items to share for Father’s Day* Father’s Day is on its way and we are working on what we want to treat the dads in our life too. It can be tricky to find the perfect Father’s Day gift so we are sharing some ideas […]
READ MORE→3 fun family activities in Las Vegas
For a significant birthday next year and our 20th wedding anniversary, I have a plan to take us to Las Vegas to celebrate. It’s a place I think everyone should visit at least once to experience and I hope this helpful collaborative post will give you some ideas of fun family places to visit. Las […]
READ MORE→Shiny hair with Locks in Goodness
*This is a review post* We were kindly sent some products to try* My teen is very fussy about what she uses on her hair, and Locks In Goodness kindly sent her some products to try out to see if it met her very high teenage hair goals standards. At Locks In Goodness, we believe […]
READ MORE→My Sunday Photo – pink roses, my favourite
If you follow me on social media you will know that I am slightly obsessed with roses, and they feature as often as I can take photos of them. They are my favourite flower and I love this time of year when they are in bloom. These are from my neighbours garden. He doesn’t mind […]
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