Getting creative with Yorkshire Fabric Shop

*This is a review post. We were kindly sent some fabric to create a collaborative post* I am not a naturally crafty person but I do love sewing and knitting, and my teenager has inherited this from me, and she is far more creative. Yorkshire Fabric Shop asked us to get creative with some fabric […]


Our week in photos – carry on as before

Welcome to Our Week in Photos. Our way of sharing our week and what we get up to with our family abroad and grandparents who like to keep up with our life and antics. Last week we were told we could ease lockdown slightly. For us, it hasn’t made much difference, and we are carrying […]


The top 10 gifts to give a pet lover

*This is a collaborative post we hope will be useful* Our pets are important to us, and part of our lives. We treasure the memories we have with them, and the special relationship they give us, and if you are a pet lover or know someone who is, then we think these gift ideas might […]


Spring planting. Helpful tips on how to and what.

Sharing a lovely guest post about spring planting by Carly. Carly is a beekeeper in Hampshire hand making 100% natural skincare utilising beeswax & honey. All ingredients are selected for their therapeutic properties, all products are preservative free & packaged in recyclable packaging. Spring is definitely here, we’ve had a few weeks of brilliant sunshine, the odd dash […]


Games to play at home. Ideas from MentalUp

MentalUP is a great app that we love, and they have come up with some ideas for games to play to keep everyone busy… During lockdown and social distancing, it is impossible to bring children together on playdates with their friends, so here is a list of games, including some old-school, nostalgic games to play […]


Wild Days – getting kids thinking about nature

*This is a collaborative post* Part of our homeschool curriculum is learning about nature, the world, our environment, and what we can do to help by being a greener family. Wild Days from Earth Watch Europe is a great site with lots of activities and resources to help parents, teachers, and kids learn and do […]


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