Meal plan Monday – bulk cooking

Meal Plan Monday. Looking at my week, and making sure the cries of “I’m hungry” don’t happen too often, but we all know that children are always hungry aren’t they? Feeding my food allergy and food choices family with a mix of cooking from scratch and sometimes throwing a ready-made meal their way. We shop […]


Meat-free bolognese that isn’t too hipster

When I told the husband I was making Meat-free bolognese for dinner he rolled his eyes and made rude remarks about “hippy food”. Since he’s tried it, he has eaten not just the bolognese but also his words too as it’s pretty tasty and even my kids eat it without complaint. I make our meat-free […]


Easter egg hunt Baby Shark style

*This is a collaborative post* Easter this year is going to be a little strange, as life as we know it has changed a bit for the next while and we are all at home and there will be no outings for an Easter egg hunt this year for us and many many other families. […]


Easy and delicious roasted carrots

Getting my kids to eat vegetables can sometimes be a challenge but this recipe for roasted carrots that I basically created one day when I had a glut of carrots I needed to use is a firm family favorite, easy to make and works well with all sorts of meals as a side dish or […]


Non-chocolate Easter treats for Mum

This is a review post with some Non-chocolate Easter treats we were kindly asked to share about* Easter is approaching and usually everyone scrambles for chocolate but we have some ideas that are non-chocolate Easter treats that might give you a bit of inspiration. There is nothing wrong with some chocolate, but sometimes it’s nice […]


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