Let them play. Play is important in childhood.
Last week, I was hit by a stark reminder of why play for children is so important. We had had a tough two weeks. Busy, lots of the usual routine, but with some added extra things. Mum and Dad working hard on work projects, a new teacher for an activity to get used to. We […]
READ MORE→Help ease sore throats. Easy honey lemon tea for kids.
This honey lemon tea is an easy way to get kids who have sore throats, coughs and cold bugs to enjoy the helpful properties of honey and lemon. Whilst I am not anti-medication and medical help for illnesses and bugs, I tend to reach for home remedies I know won’t hurt and might help when […]
READ MORE→My Valentine’s Day Plans with Pati & Coco
*This is a review post. We were kindly sent some treats to try* The husband is out on Valentine’s Day evening. Don’t be shocked. I am not cross. We knew he would be out, it’s a long-standing plan. I have a date with something delicious from Pati & Coco so I am not going to […]
READ MORE→Meal plan Monday – flu, soup, and comfort food
Meal Plan Monday. Looking at my week, and making sure the cries of “I’m hungry” don’t happen too often, but we all know that children are always hungry aren’t they? Feeding my food allergy and food choices family with a mix of cooking from scratch and sometimes throwing a ready-made meal their way. We shop […]
READ MORE→Abominable the movie – you will cry, but it has a happy ending.
*This is a review and giveaway post. We were kindly sent a DVD to review* It’s not often a movie that makes me cry, but Abominable did. Abominable is a beautifully animated movie that follows teenage Yi as she encounters a young Yeti on the roof of her apartment building in China, she and her […]
READ MORE→A Terrarium can make a beautiful gift.
*This is a review post* I am always on the lookout for unique and unusual particularly for the husband as he is often harder to buy for and surprise. This year, a terrarium has provided the perfect gift idea. Something he can enjoy putting together, and then enjoy for a long time afterward. He’s an […]
READ MORE→Our week in photos – sleep is for the weak…
Welcome to Our Week in Photos. Our way of sharing our week and what we get up to with our family abroad and grandparents who like to keep up with our life and antics. We have had a very busy week, whilst surviving on not much sleep. The boy isn’t sleeping well right now and […]
READ MORE→Tips to Create a Tidier Home to reduce chaos and clutter
*this is a collaborative post* Do you ever feel like no matter how much time you spend tidying up and do you need some tips to create a tidier home because you’re still always living in a fog of domestic muddle? Buying more tubs or baskets to put things in can sometimes help, but often […]
READ MORE→Kickstarting sensible eating with Dietbon diet food delivery.
*This is a collaborative post with Dietbon diet food delivery. I trialed their plan for a week* Dietbon asked me if I would like to try a week of their diet food delivery plan I was very keen. A system where the food is prepared and ready to go, all balanced out with no calorie […]
READ MORE→Show a little love of cupcakes with Oggs
*This is a review post. We were kindly sent an item to share about* It’s no secret that we love cakes round here and cupcakes particularly are life. However, finding good cupcakes that are dairy-free to suit our food allergy needs is not always easy. Some look nice but don’t taste great and a whole […]
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