Overnight recharging with Benenox…

If you read my blog, you will know that sleep has been somewhat lacking, round here for a LONG time, and we have had a long journey to where we are today, and right now, we are all getting some sleep, and good sleep.  However, lack of sleep and being a busy working mum, managing […]


My first Mammogram

I am pretty sure there isn’t a book written for women, facing this. There should be. With simple pictures and words explaining not just the physical procedure, but also how you may feel about what is happening to you, why you are having a mammogram and what you may be facing.  I had my first […]


Accentuate – a fun game for Christmas

If you are looking for some stocking stuffer items that will be fun adults to play around Christmas, then you can’t really go wrong with a game that everyone can enjoy and play.  Accentuate is a hilarious guess the accent game that we have thoroughly enjoyed playing  and it’s kept us amused and laughing when […]


Adding a bit of sparkle to a proposal…?

The husband and I got engaged, almost 17 years ago, in fact our “anniversary” is the 5th November. It seems like such a long time ago, we have grown up (and certainly older) together, since that day, when we were broke students (he was doing his masters degree and I was a full time student […]


Chocolate making and tasting with Red Letter Days

If you love chocolate (who doesn’t??) like me, and enjoy tasting different kinds, and appreciate really good quality chocolate, and also fancy a go at making things with chocoloate, then you will want to hear more about a chocolate tasting experience with chocolate workshop. You can’t really go wrong with an evening where you are […]