Surviving chickenpox?

So, if you read this blog, or follow us on social media, you will know that we are quarantined with chickenpox at the moment. In fact, the patient, is sitting, looking very spotty, next to me, as I type this, but is over the worst. I had a feeling that chickenpox might be a bit […]


Being kind to sensitive skin with Surcare

My teenager has very sensitive skin, and struggles with outbreaks of severe excema. She gets very sore patches on her legs, arms, trunk, and back. She’s struggled with this for a long time, and we have pretty much got a good skincare routine going, and know that certain things in her diet, and some enviromonmental […]


Skinnies UK clothing for adults

We have reviewed Skinnies Silk clothing, for eczema. My tween has now grown out of her eczema issues, mostly, other than the occasional mild flare. We found Skinnies Silk clothing incredibly helpful for her skin to maximise recovery and healing.  “Skinnies have developed a range of Therapeutic Clothing Products that help aid recovery from Eczema, Psoriasis […]


When the stomach bug makes you anxious…

(This is what the virus that causes most stomach bugs looks like. Fairly innocent and innocuous until it hits your system and makes you ill!) No one likes the stomach bug. No one enjoys when it lurches it’s nasty way into your system, and makes you ill, and spreads to your family. It’s unpleasant, and […]


Diet pills don’t work…

 (photo source) I will qualify that remark, by saying, that in the short term, diet pills DO work, in that they can help someone loose weight, and burn off energy. I do know people use them, and also who sell them, as a business concern, so this is a touchy post for me to write. […]


One more time: No Regrets!

Last week, my Small Boy, who seems very small, in his uniform, trotting off with his book bag, started Nursery. This was a bigger milestone, for us, than it would seem. 6 months ago, we were in a pretty bad place. Small had some very evident sensory issues, and his behaviour and ability to cope in certain […]