Picking your battles?

I am THAT mother. After almost 8 years of parenting, and figuring out how to handle two children with very different personalities, I have worked out that picking your battles, is the best way to manage. A friend of mine shared this picture on Facebook. Yes, there are some things we don’t negotiate on. My children […]


Loom band loathing?

So I am about to confess something that will horrify millions of people…. I don’t like Loom Bands! I have managed to avoid getting any, or being given any, for the children (or me) since the craze started. But, unfortunately, LSH was given a packet, on Saturday, and so now, dooooom… We have Loom Bands […]


A Sleep Hotel?

Is there such a thing as a sleep hotel for tired parents? This is part a tongue in cheek post, but part serious… I was going to blog about our sleep issues, again, because frankly, I am tired and the sleep situation here is frankly probably what the United Nations would consider a form of […]


Easy gluten and dairy free banana bread

This is an easy gluten and dairy free banana bread recipe that is perfect for using up bananas that are going brown, or need using up.  We often have bananas that are going slightly brown and I hate food waste so this is a great way to use them, and no one complains when I […]


A rookie parenting mistake…?

This is the blog post, where I confess that I have made a parenting oops, and what some would see as a rookie parenting mistake and talk about children and sleep. You know you have missed my posts about sleep…. I guess it depends on your point of view and how you parent your children, […]


You are not your age…

I am 38 today. I am slowly realising that is just a number. The poem below says it best. I have to remind myself, constantly. You are not your age, Nor the size of the clothes you wear, You are not a weight, Or the color of your hair. You are not your name, Or […]


Toad in the hole (gluten free/cows milk free)

Toad in the hole is an  English dish, consisting of Yorkshire pudding batter, with sausages nestled inside, served with gravy and veg, it’s a warm, comforting, and delicious meal. We use a gluten free, cows milk free recipe for our toad in the hole, based on my very easy Yorkshire pudding recipe. The trick to […]


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