Ditching cows milk – why we’re dairy free as a family….
This blog post is written from my personal and my family’s experience. It is not a medical post, nor will I quote any stats or research. There is plenty out there, if you look, and I have done a fair bit of reading and research, myself. I am simply writing to explain why, we as […]
READ MORE→Do your children know what to do in an emergency? Part 1 calling for help?
We were at the local summer fair, yesterday, with the children, and I was chatting to Big Girl, about what she needed to do, if she got lost, or couldn’t find us, in the busy crowds and stalls. We had a chat about her either finding the First Aid Stall and asking them for help, […]
READ MORE→Poonami…
This blog post’s alternative title is “if you have a baby, don’t ever leave the house without a spare nappy.” Like, me you might live to regret that… One of the basic rules of parenting a baby or toddler still in nappies, is that if you are leaving the house, for a trip out, you […]
READ MORE→Surviving hayfever season, without taking medication…
*This is a review post sharing some useful information on surviving hayfever season and allergies when you don’t want to reach for medication as a first reaction* I struggle with mild allergies. I am allergic to cats (ironic, really given we have two, and one that sheds fur like no other cat I have ever […]
READ MORE→Easy Home made Thai green curry paste
Thai green curry is a firm favourite in our house and I make it often, actually. It is one of our favourites, and I find easy, and compatible with most meats (chicken, pork, beef, or vegetables) and if I make a milder version, the children love it, and it’s also a meal you can make […]
READ MORE→Friday’s Rants from the SoapBox in My Living Room
Welcome to my Friday’s Rants from the Soap Box in my Living Room. A small space in the week where I can have a chunter about things that have made me twitch with annoyance or made me question if the world has gone mad or not…. I also linked up with MummyBarrow for her Ranty Friday. You can find […]
READ MORE→I am angry. This is not how it should have been.
It’s hard to write this post, because I realise that I sound ungrateful and resentful, and I do know, that there are other people, families and parents out there going through far worse, than what we have experienced. I am not very good at expressing myself verbally, so I am writing it all down, in […]
READ MORE→Friday’s Rants from the Soap Box in My Living Room!
Welcome to my Friday’s Rants from the Soap Box in my Living Room. A small space in the week where I can have a chunter about things that have made me twitch with annoyance or made me question if the world has gone mad or not…. I also linked up with MummyBarrow for her Ranty Friday. You can find […]
READ MORE→Parenting Confession time: Please don’t let your child rummage in my handbag!
Sometimes I blog about things, that seem to me like a sort of parenting confession session. This blog post is one of those! I had an interesting conversation, with a mother, at a toddler group that Small Boy and I attend, occasionally. (Not the one I work at) My bag, was on the floor, under […]
READ MORE→So Angelina had a mastectomy. You know what? I would do the same!
(photo source) It has been big news, this week. Angelina Jolie, announced that she carries the BRCA1 gene which means she is in the 5% of the population at risk of the most severe forms of breast and ovarian cancer. She lost her own mother, who died at the age of 56, to ovarian cancer. […]
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