My Sunday Photo – skittles perspective

My Sunday Photo – This is the leftovers from our Skittles video fun this week. What happens when you leave them for a bit, a rather striking photo. I am actually thinking of getting this one printed, it’s rather interesting and fun. Linking up with My Sunday Photo to share the love.


Twinkl – In It Together. A free e-book to help children

Sheffield based company, Twinkl Educational Publishing has released an electronic book (ebook) that focuses on the experiences that children may have faced during the lockdown and the emotions they may experience when returning to school in the coming months. The free ebook, In It Together, introduces four characters who demonstrate how their life has changed […]


Fonts are important, choose them wisely

*This is a collaborative post* When you are writing a blog post, or creating a social media post, or even writing a document to be published, something you need to consider that is just as important as the content, message, and image you want to share is the fonts you use. As a blogger and […]


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