You are not your age…

I am 38 today. I am slowly realising that is just a number. The poem below says it best. I have to remind myself, constantly. You are not your age, Nor the size of the clothes you wear, You are not a weight, Or the color of your hair. You are not your name, Or […]


Toad in the hole (gluten free/cows milk free)

Toad in the hole is an  English dish, consisting of Yorkshire pudding batter, with sausages nestled inside, served with gravy and veg, it’s a warm, comforting, and delicious meal. We use a gluten free, cows milk free recipe for our toad in the hole, based on my very easy Yorkshire pudding recipe. The trick to […]


Ice cream vans are creepy…

You know that familiar sound? The tinkle tinkle of the music, from an ice cream van, as it meanders along the street, enticing children (and adults) to come and buy sweets and treats? I think they are creepy, and I really don’t like them. (photo source) I don’t know why, I loathe this vans seemingly […]


A cheat’s gluten-free courgette pasta…

There are lots of gluten-free pasta recipes out there, some easy, some a bit more complicated, this courgette pasta is easy to make and is based on some ideas I have seen around, on using vegetables as a starch replacement. It’s great if you are eating a lower-carb diet or want to add more veg […]


Dr Google is NOT a real doctor…

Fact, Dr Google is not a real doctor. Facebook is  not a hospital. On-line chat rooms are not a replacement for proper medical advice and your second cousin twice removed, who once had a verruca frozen off, is not the expert on podiatry that she thinks she is…. Ok, before I start my whine, I would […]


Slow cooked Gluten free Meatballs & Gnocchi

A slow-cooked gluten-free meatball recipe, with gnocchi, a change from pasta. This Slow-cooked Gluten-free Meatballs & Gnocchi meal is one of our favourite family meals! This recipe is an easy and very tasty one, and because it is gluten-free. My kids love it and it’s a reasonably quick meal with a little prep. You will need […]


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