Friday’s Rant from the Soap Box in MY Living Room
Welcome to my one day in the week, where I let loose and have a rant. I try to keep my blog a reasonably happy, upbeat place, or at least not rant all the time, but Friday is my day to get things that are bothering me off my chest. It may be about […]
READ MORE→When the stomach bug makes you anxious…
(This is what the virus that causes most stomach bugs looks like. Fairly innocent and innocuous until it hits your system and makes you ill!) No one likes the stomach bug. No one enjoys when it lurches it’s nasty way into your system, and makes you ill, and spreads to your family. It’s unpleasant, and […]
READ MORE→White and mint tea recipe.
I am not a fan of herbal teas, or green or white teas, to be honest. I find them very tart or bitter, and the only way I can drink them is by adding a lot of sugar or honey, which probably then negates the benefits of the actual tea. I do like Earl Grey […]
READ MORE→Don’t diss Eurovison…
So, having seen some very grumpy, uncharitable remarks on social media today about how rubbish and pointless Eurovision is, I have risen from my sick bed (having been struck down by a tummy lurgy, I am dizzily typing whilst sipping flat cola, this is how cross I am!) to give anyone who wants to moan […]
READ MORE→What do you mean, being patient doesn’t automatically come with being a parent??
The capacity to accept or tolerate delay, problems, or suffering without becoming annoyed or anxious. (Oxford English Dictionary) I used to think I was a very patient person. I have worked with children, most of my adult life, as a nanny, and then as a paediatric nurse. Both jobs require tremendous amounts of patience, […]
READ MORE→Friday’s Rant from the Soap Box in MY Living Room – I’m in the loo!
Welcome to my Friday’s Rants from the Soap Box in my Living Room. A small space in the week where I can have a chunter about things that have made me twitch with annoyance or made me question if the world has gone mad or not…. I also linked up with MummyBarrow for her Ranty Friday. You can find […]
READ MORE→Why we chose to opt for an adenoidtonsillectomy
*Warning – unpretty picture of infected tonsils coming up, they are not Big Girl’s but pretty much are what her tonsils looked like when she was suffering from an actual bout of tonsillitis. When she was “well” her tonsils were that swollen, and only a small gap between them was visible. Her adenoids were also […]
READ MORE→Why I am “meh” about Mother’s Day…
Oh here she goes again about days that she doesn’t like celebrating…. I know, I sound bah humbug, when I say that I am not really bothered or feel like I need a fuss made on one day, in the year. Mother’s Day or Mothering Sunday has been taken over by the shops and media […]
READ MORE→Friday’s Rants From the Soap Box in MY Living Room –
Welcome to my Friday’s Rants from the Soap Box in my Living Room. A small space in the week where I can have a chunter about things that have made me twitch with annoyance or made me question if the world has gone mad or not…. I also linked up with MummyBarrow for her Ranty Friday. You can find […]
READ MORE→Reward charts for children. Good or bad?
(Photo Source) Have you used reward charts? One of the things about my blog, this little space, where I let loose the contents of my head, and share about our parenting journey, is that I will always be honest. I want to be real, and to share where we are at, and where we have […]
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