Anxiety is not logical
(image source) Anxiety, be it long term, or short term, a temporary thing that strikes, or a mental condition that someone is struggling with, is not logical. I have always known this. Usually I can talk myself down, or be talked down, when something is pressing on my mind, sending it’s nasty little thoughts into […]
READ MORE→Friday’s Rant from the Soap Box in MY Living Room – Don’t be rude!
Seriously, don’t be rude! Don’t verbally abuse people serving you in shops, or customer services, or cafes, or restaurants, or driving your bus, or taxi, or selling you your train tickets or making your coffee. Yes, you are paying for a service, yes, you should expect good service, but if you are unpleasant, rude, grumpy […]
READ MORE→My child bites…
So, yesterday, I am sitting, drinking coffee, chatting to another mother, in a very busy, but surprisingly harmonious soft play. It is half term, it’s pouring with rain, and I had offered to babysit a friends two children, who are good friends with mine, for the morning. We opted to go for a soft play […]
READ MORE→Choosing a bicycle helmet for your child
It’s no secret that after LSH’s bike accident, where he came off his bicycle on a dark, wet road, almost 4 years ago, and was badly concussed, after hitting his head, that I am PASSIONATE about everyone wearing a correctly fitted helmet when cycling, no matter what age they are. Thankfully LSH was wearing his […]
READ MORE→Gluten free basics – gluten free bread
Over the past 13 years, I have learned and adapted to living with someone with gluten intolerance. LSH is intolerant to both gluten and cows milk products, and it has taken me a lot of time, and effort to fine what works for him and us as a family. One thing about gluten intolerance, is […]
READ MORE→Why Facebook doesn’t have my number and never will
Dear Facebook You recently made YET ANOTHER change to the way you run things. I don’t know why we are all so surprised, you seem to do this continually, and whilst I realise that you do have to make changes to improve the service you provide, you seem to do stuff that annoys a lot […]
READ MORE→When a parenting decision doesn’t work.
Some time ago, we decided to move Little Man into his sisters room, so they could share a room, while they were still of an age where it would work. We are lucky that we could make that choice and that we have the space to be able to have separate rooms if needed. If […]
READ MORE→Friday’s Rant from the Soap Box in MY Living Room
Welcome to my one day in the week, where I let loose and have a rant. I try to keep my blog a reasonably happy, upbeat place, or at least not rant all the time, but Friday is my day to get things that are bothering me off my chest. It may be about […]
READ MORE→When the stomach bug makes you anxious…
(This is what the virus that causes most stomach bugs looks like. Fairly innocent and innocuous until it hits your system and makes you ill!) No one likes the stomach bug. No one enjoys when it lurches it’s nasty way into your system, and makes you ill, and spreads to your family. It’s unpleasant, and […]
READ MORE→White and mint tea recipe.
I am not a fan of herbal teas, or green or white teas, to be honest. I find them very tart or bitter, and the only way I can drink them is by adding a lot of sugar or honey, which probably then negates the benefits of the actual tea. I do like Earl Grey […]
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