Gluten & dairy free white sauce

This recipe for a gluten & dairy free white sauce that I use for pasta sauces, in lasagna, and where a white sauce is needed. This is a basic Béchamel sauce and is very easy to make. I substitute plain flour with gluten free flour, and we use a plant based milk (usually unsweetened soya […]


Don’t make me do Secret Santa…

I love Christmas, I love all things Christmas. But there is one thing I will ask, nay, I will plead, in fact I will stamp my feet and refuse to take part in… Please don’t make me do Secret Santa. Bah humbug. Don’t add me to a Secret Santa as part of any group. No […]


Christmas Bites and Beverages from Around the Globe

Sharing a festive guest post by By Erik Wolf, Executive Director, World Food Travel Association about Christmas Bites and Beverages from Around the Globe When we consider Christmas foods, we tend to look to countries with a Christian tradition, so while Christmas might be celebrated by many people in Africa, the Middle East or Asia, […]


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