Cow’s Milk Allergy: A kick in the guts

by Emma Oliver  So your baby is inconsolable and having trouble feeding. Maybe it’s colic? Or is there more to it? As a mother, sometimes it’s simply a matter of gut instinct… From one day old, my daughter Esme suffered with severe colic and a burning silent reflux. Hardly surprising then, she screamed around the […]


Ranty Friday, or maybe not?

I normally post a rant on a Friday, I supposed this is a bit ranty, so lets call it that. I find the whole thing commercialised, and excessive. I have had a number of e-mails from various companies that I subscribe too, suggesting expensive and over the top gifts for Valentines day to “show them […]


Guest Post from Rachael Cherry from NannyPro

Does Your Children’s Art Decorate Your Walls? Millions of families around the world decorate the walls of their homes with art, photography and family pictures. When you look at your walls, are they covered in extravagant pieces of art that catch a person’s eye? Do you feel a connection with the pieces that adorn your […]


Ban smoking in cars?

So, I shared this link on my personal Facebook page, yesterday, about a proposal going through the annals of government. The Labour party are currently trying to get the Children and Families Bill amended, to bring in a ban on smoking in cars when a child is present in the car the person is in, […]


Parenting – starting nursery!

I am delighted to share a blog post from Rachael from We3Three about finding a good nursery, and starting her little one there. Little Man also started nursery last September, and it was a big step, and I remember feeling the same with Big Girl too… My boy started school nursery in September.  He is […]


Diet pills don’t work…

 (photo source) I will qualify that remark, by saying, that in the short term, diet pills DO work, in that they can help someone loose weight, and burn off energy. I do know people use them, and also who sell them, as a business concern, so this is a touchy post for me to write. […]


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