Bad parenting day? They happen. It’s ok.
When you are are having a VERY BAD DAY and you want bedtime to happen… Last week, we had a really bad day. I had a bad parenting day. We all seemed to have woken up in bad moods, and both the children, in their own ways, were not their usual selves. The boy had […]
READ MORE→Don’t tell me to ditch the dummy!
I used to be one of those people who thought I knew it all about parenting, and that I would be a perfect parent, that is, until I had children, and then realised how utterly wrong I was, and how little I actually knew about the reality of having your own children One thing I […]
READ MORE→She’s just a cat?
This is Layla, our 14-year-old, half Persian cat. We rescued her, when she was still very tiny, as the runt of an unplanned and unwanted litter (her mother was not meant to fraternize with the local feral tomcat, Layla and her two siblings were the result) and she is my first “baby”. That sounds silly, […]
READ MORE→The Supermarket Meltdown (A Dad’s experience)
Over the years of parenting two children I like to think that I have evolved in my management of unmanageable situations and this is one, which although unpleasant, I felt a bit better about in myself after the event than I have done on previous similar occasions… Setting the scene, Mom is resting and I […]
READ MORE→So, sleep? We are actually getting some!
Yes, you read it right. I posted on our Facebook page, last week, that we had had a breakthrough, and were cautiously optimistic that more sleep was coming our way, and it seems to be a regular thing now. Small Boy, of his own accord, like he seems to do with everything else, decided that […]
READ MORE→Easy dairy free chocolate mousse
This is an incredibly easy, divine chocolate mousse, that needs no cream, so it’s cows milk/dairy free if you use a butter substitute. I have always been a little intimidated by the idea of making a mousse, but this one really is simple. *Also, please note, the eggs in this recipe are barely cooked, with […]
READ MORE→Friday’s Rants from the Soap Box in My Living Room – Offended mother at the school gate…
Welcome to my Friday’s Rants from the Soap Box in my Living Room. A small space in the week where I can have a chunter about things that have made me twitch with annoyance or made me question if the world has gone mad or not…. I also linked up with MummyBarrow for her Ranty Friday. You […]
READ MORE→Friday’s Rants from the Soap Box in my Living Room
Welcome to my Friday’s Rants from the Soap Box in my Living Room. A small space in the week where I can have a chunter about things that have made me twitch with annoyance or made me question if the world has gone mad or not…. I also linked up with MummyBarrow for her Ranty Friday. You […]
READ MORE→So, the Bounty pack thing?
(Image source) Last week, I received an e-mail, asking me to join in and sign the petition, that is being brought against Bounty, who provide sample packs, and take photos of newborns, on maternity wards up and down the country. From what I can work out, having read a few articles, blogs and opinions on […]
READ MORE→Friday’s Rants from the Soap Box in My Living Room!
Welcome to my Friday’s Rants from the Soap Box in my Living Room. A small space in the week where I can have a chunter about things that have made me twitch with annoyance or made me question if the world has gone mad or not…. I also linked up with MummyBarrow for her Ranty Friday. You can find […]
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